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“Life is like a combination lock, your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have anything you want” BRIAN TRACY - BlueWest Properties

Written by Meghan Heritage | Oct 27, 2010 6:35:48 AM

I have done lots of things that I believed I could not do, but I have done far more and accomplished greater things when I feel confident in my abilities. It makes me think, what’s the difference? Why is it that with some things we are certain that we can, and with others there is a small bit of doubt that creeps in quietly and sits in the corner while we try to finish the job?

Napoleon Hill will tell you that “thoughts are things” and I sincerely believe that he is right. The more you think about a particular issue, the more you begin to create your perception of it, and once you’ve got a solid perception, you have a belief and from there it becomes your reality. How does that work? Like this: Sarah thinks about the presentation that she will soon have to give, the people in the room who all have more education and experience than she does, the fact that she has rarely been asked to present, and she starts to perceive that the outcome will be bad. She thinks it into reality as she visualizes herself stumbling over words, perspiring and lacking the ability to capture her audience. Sarah creates her own density, perpetuates the outcome by thinking of nothing other than the worst—-and then she makes it her without even thinking reality.

We all have choices, and if we are not careful then we will begin to make them unconsciously. We can wake up each morning and think of all the positives out there, or we can make keep a running mental list all day long of all the crap that we have to deal with—-which do you choose? Which guy would you rather have lunch with, the guy with a running tally of all his blessings or the guy with full body tattoos listing all of the things that are “wrong” with his life? Watch for the difference in people today, you will see the first sort of person smiling and I promise you won’t have to ask the other guy to pull up his sleeves and prove the tattoos, they will be apparent in full clothing.

Make a list of your blessings, I bet it is longer than you think.

We get only one shot at our lives, lets be intentional.

“Life is like a combination lock, your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have anything you want” – Brian Tracy